Communications dans un congrès (12) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. 3-D behaviour of photopolymers as holographic recording material

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  2. 3-Dimensional analysis of holographic memories based on photopolymers using finite differences method

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  3. Amplified spontaneous emission in TPD-based waveguides: Thickness and TPD concentration dependence

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  4. Analysis of amplitude and phase coupling in volume holography

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  5. Calculation of the optimal colors of linear input devices

    CGIV 2006 - 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Final Program and Proceedings

  6. Computing the number of distinguishable colors under several illuminants and light sources

    CGIV 2006 - 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision, Final Program and Proceedings

  7. Design of microstructured fibers with fixed chromatic dispersion properties

    2006 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks

  8. Design of microstructured fibers with fixed chromatic dispersion properties


  9. Fotopolímero sensibilizado con colorantes derivados del pirrometeno

    Perspectiva de la investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI

  10. High thickness acrylamide photopolymer for peristrophic multiplexing

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

  11. Implementación de tutorías activas en la diplomatura de Óptica y Optometría como orientación y seguimiento del alumnado

    IV Jornades de Xarxes d'Investigació en Docència Universitària: la construcció col·legiada del model docent universitari del segle XXI

  12. Multiplexing holograms in an acrylamide photopolymer

    Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering