Publicacións (40) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. A systems approach identifies time-dependent associations of multimorbidities with pancreatic cancer risk

    Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology, Vol. 28, Núm. 7, pp. 1618-1624

  2. Cadmium hampers salt tolerance of Sesuvium portulacastrum

    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol. 115, pp. 390-399

  3. Characterization of a novel POLD1 missense founder mutation in a Spanish population

    Journal of Gene Medicine, Vol. 19, Núm. 4

  4. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes (Bos taurus) helps to preserve oocyte integrity after vitrification

    Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Vol. 52, pp. 52-54

  5. Controlled delivery of tauroursodeoxycholic acid from biodegradable microspheres slows retinal degeneration

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, Núm. 5

  6. Correlating synthesis parameters with physicochemical properties of poly(glycerol sebacate)

    European Polymer Journal, Vol. 87, pp. 406-419

  7. Development of Intracrystalline Mesoporosity in Zeolites through Surfactant-Templating

    Crystal Growth and Design, Vol. 17, Núm. 8, pp. 4289-4305

  8. Draft genome sequence of the nitrogen-fixing Rhizobium sullae type strain IS123T focusing on the key genes for symbiosis with its host Hedysarum coronarium L.

    Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol. 8, Núm. JUL

  9. Early events in retinal degeneration caused by rhodopsin mutation or pigment epithelium malfunction: Differences and similarities

    Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, Vol. 11

  10. Elucidating the molecular basis of MSH2-deficient tumors by combined germline and somatic analysis

    International Journal of Cancer, Vol. 141, Núm. 7, pp. 1365-1380

  11. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and the regulation of energy balance

    Nature Reviews Endocrinology, Vol. 13, Núm. 9, pp. 536-546

  12. Evaluation of the Sepsis Flow Chip assay for the diagnosis of blood infections

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, Núm. 5

  13. GPR55 and the regulation of glucose homeostasis

    International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Vol. 88, pp. 204-207

  14. Genome diversity of marine phages recovered from Mediterranean metagenomes: Size matters

    PLoS Genetics, Vol. 13, Núm. 9

  15. Gpr55: A new promising target for metabolism?

    Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, Vol. 58, Núm. 3, pp. R191-R202

  16. Historia del campo de investigación CRISPR y su traslación a la medicina

    Anales (Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de la Comunitat Valenciana), Núm. 18

  17. Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Patients With Multiple Serrated Polyps and Their First-Degree Relatives

    Gastroenterology, Vol. 153, Núm. 1, pp. 106-112.e2

  18. KRAS and BRAF somatic mutations in colonic polyps and the risk of metachronous neoplasia

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, Núm. 9

  19. Lack of cytomegalovirus detection in human glioma

    Virology Journal, Vol. 14, Núm. 1

  20. Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides bacteriophages: Genomics and cross-species host ranges

    International Journal of Food Microbiology, Vol. 257, pp. 128-137