Argitalpenak (103) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. BaFe 1−x Cu x O 3 Perovskites as Soot Oxidation Catalysts for Gasoline Particulate Filters (GPF): A Preliminary Study

    Topics in Catalysis, Vol. 62, Núm. 1-4, pp. 413-418

  2. BaTi 0.8 B 0.2 O 3 (B = Mn, Fe, Co, Cu) LNT catalysts: Effect of partial Ti substitution on NOx storage capacity

    Catalysts, Vol. 9, Núm. 4

  3. Conducting Polymer-TiO 2 Hybrid Materials: Application in the Removal of Nitrates from Water

    Langmuir, Vol. 35, Núm. 18, pp. 6089-6105

  4. NO x Adsorption Over Ce/Zr-Based Catalysts Doped with Cu and Ba

    Topics in Catalysis, Vol. 62, Núm. 1-4, pp. 140-149

  5. The impact of synthesis method on the properties and CO 2 sorption capacity of UiO-66(Ce)

    Catalysts, Vol. 9, Núm. 4

  6. A simple “nano-templating” method using zeolite y toward the formation of carbon schwarzites

    Frontiers in Materials, Vol. 6

  7. AGEQI-2018 (Experimentación en Química Inorgánica verde y accesible)

    Memòries del Programa de Xarxes-I3CE de qualitat, innovació i investigació en docència universitària: convocatòria 2018-19 (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación), pp. 829

  8. Adsorption of hydrogen on activated carbons prepared by thermal activation : Hydrogen storage

    2019 10th International Renewable Energy Congress, IREC 2019

  9. Anchoring a Co/2-methylimidazole complex on ion-exchange resin and its transformation to Co/N-doped carbon as an electrocatalyst for the ORR

    Catalysis Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Núm. 3, pp. 578-582

  10. Are the Accompanying Cations of Doping Anions Influential in Conducting Organic Polymers? The Case of the Popular PEDOT

    Chemistry - A European Journal, Vol. 25, Núm. 63, pp. 14308-14319

  11. Bafe1-xcuxo3 Perovskites as active phase for diesel (DPF) and gasoline particle filters (GPF)

    Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Núm. 11

  12. Balanced viscoelastic properties of pressure sensitive adhesives made with thermoplastic polyurethanes blends

    Polymers, Vol. 11, Núm. 10

  13. Bimetallic Cu–Ni catalysts for the WGS reaction – Cooperative or uncooperative effect?

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, Núm. 8, pp. 4011-4019

  14. CO-PROX Reaction over Co3O4|Al2O3 Catalysts - Impact of the Spinel Active Phase Faceting on the Catalytic Performance

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 123, Núm. 33, pp. 20221-20232

  15. Carbon nanotubes modified with Au for electrochemical detection of prostate specific antigen: Effect of au nanoparticle size distribution

    Frontiers in Chemistry, Vol. 7, Núm. MAR

  16. Carbon-GO Composites with Preferential Water versus Ethanol Uptake

    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 11, Núm. 27, pp. 24493-24503

  17. Catalytic Upgrading of Biomass Model Compounds: Novel Approaches and Lessons Learnt from Traditional Hydrodeoxygenation – a Review

    ChemCatChem, Vol. 11, Núm. 3, pp. 924-960

  18. Catalytic conversion of palm oil to bio-hydrogenated diesel over novel N-doped activated carbon supported Pt nanoparticles

    Energies, Vol. 13, Núm. 1

  19. Cellulose hydrolysis catalysed by mesoporous activated carbons functionalized under mild conditions

    SN Applied Sciences, Vol. 1, Núm. 12

  20. Characterization of biomass-derived chars

    Char and Carbon Materials Derived from Biomass: Production, Characterization and Applications (Elsevier), pp. 69-108