La ciudad digital: nuevas perspectivas urbanas a través de las redes sociales geolocalizadas

  1. Álvaro Bernabeu Bautista
  2. Mariana Huskinson
  3. Leticia Serrano-Estrada
Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura : JIDA: Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura: JIDA

ISSN: 2462-571X 2564-8497

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 12

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5821/JIDA.2024.13309 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openUPCommons editor

More publications in: Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura : JIDA: Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura: JIDA

Sustainable development goals


This proposal implements geolocated social media data and other web services to address urban phenomena according to theoretical-practical contents of three subjects in the field of Urban Planning whose contents include urban morphology, public space and landscape. The proposal consists of elaborating cartographies based on exercises that allow students to visualize and analyze data using GIS tools, as well as a final evaluation based on the students’ experience. The results reflect a positive reception of this type of sources, complementing the information obtained by other means such as fieldwork, underscoring the potential to address specific urban phenomena and highlighting its usefulness for visualizing and addressing analyses and proposals related to the city and the territory.