Las ecologías del deseo de la silla Canoadesde el salón hacia la ciudad

  1. María José Marcos Torró
[i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio

ISSN: 2341-0515

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 12

Issue: 2

Pages: 129-150

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/I2.26180 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: [i2] : Investigación e Innovación en Arquitectura y Territorio


In this article, I conceptualise the ecologies of desire. This conceptualisation is based on the heterogenesis of the Pirogue Chaise Longue, a project that weaves a domestic desiring matrix and emancipates the actants involved in its politics of design. The Pirogue Chaise Longue device was designed for the enjoyment and domestic independence of the dressmaker Madame Mathieu-Levy. The architect Eileen Gray built it for her apartment in the Rue Lotta in 1919. In architecture, these ecologies of desire are channelled from domesticity to the social sphere and the Pirogue Chaise Longue leads and anticipates discussions of contemporaneity because it displays a set of kaleidoscopic and alternative domestic lifestyles. The ecologies of desire are conceptualised using the generative methodology of Félix Guattari (1989), who broadens the perception of ecology in generative terms and delves into the production of subjectivities through desire, based on heterogenesis. Ecology of desire discussions are threefold: the first focuses on the ecology of seductive desire, leading to studying the subjectivity of erotic inclination; the second is the ecology of queer desire unravelled in the gyratory device of Paul B. Preciado (2010); the third discussion addresses the ecology of activist desire, debating how the biodesign of the device activates new micropolitics of the feminine. The generative layers of the Pirogue Chaise Longue produce a new fabric of contemporaneity. The Pirogue Chaise Longue opens the door to what is contemporary for women, from their living rooms to the city.

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