Derechos no humanos y otros ensayos acerca de la arquitectura del bosque

  1. Mendo Pérez, Maria Ayara 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación

ISSN: 2659-9139 2659-9198

Year of publication: 2024

Issue Title: The archives

Issue: 11

Pages: 146

Type: Article

More publications in: VAD: veredes, arquitectura e divulgación


From a contemporary architectural perspective, Amerindian spatial heritages are increasingly recognised as revealing a deeply rooted relationship between architecture and landscape. Paulo Tavares proposes the notion of "forest architecture" to define Amerindian spatial projects as the result of complex and long-standing interactions produced between human groups, environmental forces and the agency of other species, all acting as actors in the historical process of forest design. Concepts such as forest architecture propose alternative categories of thought to look closely at Amerindian architectural practices, highlighting the conceptual centrality of a co-designed landscape, between humans and non-humans. This movement involves updates in grammars and historical perspectives, and is articulated through dialogue with multidisciplinary methodologies: ethnobotanical, ethnoarchaeological, anthropological and architectural, among others.