Hacia una arquitectura in-gensAprender, ‘Tejiendo la Calle’, nuevas herramientas para la participación en el proyecto de arquitectura
- Ester Gisbert Alemany
- Enrique Nieto Fernández
- Marina Fernández Ramos
ISSN: 2340-9711, 2340-9711
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 19
Pages: 76-95
Type: Article
More publications in: Rita: Revista Indexada de Textos Académicos
Research is presented on the project ‘Tejiendo la Calle’ in Valverde de la Vera. With the encouragement of architect Marina Fernández, the women of this rural setting hand-weave lightweight structures that cover the streets each summer as a huge tapestry of personal creative manifestations. The project is situated in the context of architecture, cultural heritage and participation to explore how this ageing community of conviviality has been transformed into a community of creative practice; an intervention that has won awards in international forums for its creative use of reused plastic and has been replicated in numerous communities. We present the way in which domestic chores are deployed in cultural heritage, putting public art at the service of housework to develop what we will characterise as an architecture ‘in-gens’. We explain how this concept transforms the relationship between architecture and participation, characterising a practice of intervention in public space that allows us to understand the intervention in the cultural landscape beyond protectionism, transforming the forms of space and the times of habits in order to disrupt the patrimonial, architectural and social order of the village. The architecture project thus goes from being a device fragilised by participation to a promoter of a very fertile relationality
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