Mejora de la competitividad del sector turístico a través del modelo de destinos turísticos inteligentes: un estudio cualitativo del sector hotelero y de instituciones gestoras de destinos
- Juan José Tarí 1
- María D. López Gamero 1
- José Francisco Molina Azorín 1
- Eva M. Pertusa Ortega 1
- Jorge Pereira Molienr 1
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 0422-2784
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: Sectores Estratégicos Integrados (II)
Issue: 429
Pages: 71-78
Type: Article
More publications in: Economía industrial
This paper analyses the dimensions of the smart destinations model (sustainability, technology, governance, innovation and accessibility) that may help to improve the competitiveness of the tourism and hotel industry. The aim of this paper is to analyse these dimensions that may influence the adaptation and transformation of this industry, highlighting the challenge of digitalisation within the dimension of technology, as well as aspects of great relevance linked to sustainability, such as the circular economy. The importance of people in this key industry of the economy is also highlighted. A qualitative study is carried out based on in-depth interviews with managers from the hotel industry and with technicians from tourist destinations, emphasising the importance of collaboration between the private industry and public administrations. Based on the results, recommendations for the industry and possible future studies are proposed
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