Endurance races effects in non-elite runners by clinical biomarkers and bioimpedance measurements

Supervised by:
  1. Lexa D. Nescolarde Selva Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 16 December 2019

  1. Francesc Rosell Chair
  2. Joan Aureli Cadefau Surroca Secretary
  3. Gonzalo Grazioli Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 151687 DIALNET


Participation in marathons and ultra-endurance races is growing every day, but it is worrisome that these types of races are becoming mass events, where many runners are not sufficiently prepared. For example, in the 2017 Barcelona marathon there were 19.740 runners, whereas in the 2007 marathon there were 7.430_ runners (Zurich Barcelona Marathon). In the age of social media everyone wants to put his/her photo and comment on instagram, facebook, twitter, etc., about the achievement reached, without caríng if his/her healt.h has been compromised. A marathon or longer distance races, require significant exertions and result in impact to our bodies and bring short and long-term consequences for our health. Never befare has running been so fashionable, but to what extent is it done in a healthy manner? The motivation and merit of this thesis líes in the fact of finding the impact of a 42km run on our body and evaluate the risk of muscle and cardiac damage, inflammation and infection, and renal impairment. The results embodied in the different research articles of this thesís, due to the small number of runners are subjective and show a tendency to be validated in other studies with more athletes. More than 80 non-elite runners were studied during 4 years (from 2016 to 2019). The changes evaluated in pre-race conditions {baseline), at the end, and 48h post-race were through blood and saliva biomarkers. Additionally, other variables were assessed before the race, like nutrition balance and sorne specific supplement intake, and it was proved how the body weight, recovery time, and amount of training done can directly affect the runner's performance and health. The highest elevations in biomarkers associated to muscle damage (CK), inflammation (CRP), and cardiovascular health (Hs-TnT, NT-proBNP, ST2) were seen in the runners with the worse performance time and less training hours before-race. Also, the marathon provoked changes in the salivary immunity and increased the risk of developing a respiratory tract infection. In addition, supplementation actions like polysaccharide-based ones, positively affected on the immune response initiated during a 42 km effort. By BIVA methodogly, a correlation can be made with a displacement ofthe vector impedance at 24 h and 48 h post-race on the tolerance ellipses of a European Caucasian reference population with biomarkers of renal damage. Transient values of acute kidney injury (AKI) stage 1, more related to inflammatory factors rather than muscle damage, were found in many marathoners which recovered mostly 48 h post-race. · Regarding diet, a correct mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acid, potassium, and magnesium intake befare the marathon influenced better performance and better cardiovascular health. But, what are the negative long-term effects of these acute changes in clinical biomarkers and bioimpedance measurements after 42 km? How does it affect an inadequate diet and preparation? This thesis is based on five original publications, three accepted and two under review, separated in three chapters ordered from 2 to 4, starting with cardidVascular biomarkers, immunity, and supplements. In Appendix 1, renal function and bioimpedance vector displacement, and in Appendix 2, diet effects on performance and cardiac health. An introduction in Chapter 1, describes the rationale of the published work and its place within the whole topic of this thesis. As an elite runner for many years and already a veteran, this thesis is my "grain of sand" in the fasciriating world of metabolic responses while running.