BaTboTa biologically inspired flapping and morphing bat robot actuated by SMA-based artificial muscles

  1. Colorado Montaño, Julián David
Dirigida per:
  1. Claudio Rossi Director/a
  2. Antonio Barrientos Cruz Director/a

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 de de desembre de 2012

  1. Manuel Ángel Armada Rodríguez President/a
  2. Antonio Giménez Fernández Vocal
  3. Fernando Torres Medina Vocal
  4. Alberto Brunete González Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


Bats are animals that posses high maneuvering capabilities. Their wings contain dozens of articulations that allow the animal to perform aggressive maneuvers by means of controlling the wing shape during flight (morphing-wings). There is no other flying creature in nature with this level of wing dexterity and there is biological evidence that the inertial forces produced by the wings have a key role in the attitude movements of the animal. This can inspire the design of highly articulated morphing-wing micro air vehicles (not necessarily bat-like) with a significant wing-to-body mass ratio. This thesis presents the development of a novel bat-like micro air vehicle (BaTboT ) inspired by the morphing-wing mechanism of bats. BaTboT¿s morphology is alike in proportion compared to its biological counterpart Cynopterus brachyotis, which provides the biological foundations for developing accurate mathematical models and methods that allow for mimicking bat flight. In nature bats can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability by combining flap- ping and morphing wingstrokes. Attempting to reproduce the biological wing ac- tuation system that provides that kind of motion using an artificial counterpart requires the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators. Thus, NiTinol Shape Memory Al- loys (SMAs) acting as artificial biceps and triceps muscles are used for mimicking the morphing wing mechanism of the bat flight apparatus. This antagonistic con- figuration of SMA-muscles response to an electrical heating power signal to operate. This heating power is regulated by a proper controller that allows for accurate and fast SMA actuation. Morphing-wings will enable to change wings geometry with the unique purpose of enhancing aerodynamics performance. During the downstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are fully extended aimed at increasing the area surface to properly generate lift forces. Contrary during the upstroke phase of the wingbeat motion both wings are retracted to minimize the area and thus reducing drag forces. Morphing-wings do not only improve on aerodynamics but also on the inertial forces that are key to maneuver. Thus, a modeling framework is introduced for analyzing how BaTboT should maneuver by means of changing wing morphology. This allows the definition of requirements for achieving forward and turning flight according to the kinematics of the wing modulation. Motivated by the biological fact about the influence of wing inertia on the production of body accelerations, an attitude controller is proposed. The attitude control law incorporates wing inertia informa- tion to produce desired roll (¿) and pitch (¿) acceleration commands. This novel flight control approach is aimed at incrementing net body forces (Fnet) that generate propulsion. Mimicking the way how bats take advantage of inertial and aerodynamical forces produced by the wings in order to both increase lift and maneuver is a promising way to design more efficient flapping/morphing wings MAVs. The novel wing modulation strategy and attitude control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling flying robots, that eliminates the need of appendices such as flaps and rudders, and would allow performing more efficient maneuvers, especially useful in confined spaces.