Modelo de competencias para microempresarios en entornos deprimidosla región 5 del ecuador

Supervised by:
  1. Xavier Llinàs Audet Director
  2. Ferran Sabaté Garriga Director

Defence university: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 13 June 2018

  1. José L. Gascó Gascó Chair
  2. Olga Pons Peregort Secretary
  3. Carlos Guallarte Nuez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 147796 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The main objective of the thesis is to design a model of competences for the micro entrepreneur who develops his activity in depressed environments, adapted to his personal needs and the environment in which he develops, through the determination, organízation and distribution of the main competences collected from the literature review and field studies; with the purpose of offering a support mechanism to strengthen the micro entrepreneur as an individual and improvements in the administrative management of their businesses. Micro entrepreneurs who have their businesses located in depressed regions are generally unaware of their basic skills, especially their application and the benefits obtained when these are linked to the development of business management. Knowing the skills and abilities of people, directs the activities in an organized and planned manner. Under this premise, a competency model is proposed for micro entrepreneurs who carry out their activities in depressed environments. Based on a documentary research and a fieldwork, competences are identified and grouped in dimensions; Likewise, the importance of the model is determined with the support of a panel of experts linked to the micro-enterprise sector, whose information is treated and analyzed using the Delphi method. The scope of action focuses on Region 5 of Ecuador, consisting of 4 provinces (Guayas, Los Rios, Bolivar and Santa Elena). The proposed competences are oriented to an easy and correct application, and distributed in the areas of action in which the micro entrepreneurs develop their activities.Twenty-seven (27) competencies that make up the model for micro entrepreneurs in depressed environments are established, grouped into four (4) dimensions: Self-management, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills.The proposed model aims to strengthen administrative management, help increase efficiency in business performance, and personal and professional training of micro entrepreneurs. The results show that the efficiency of micro entrepreneurs in the management of their business activity depends on the application of their basic skills, and that a competency model adapted to their environment, has a positive impact on the improvement of their work performance and in an adequate organization of their businesses. lt also shows that both the improvement of administrative management and its productivity, depends on the actions that promote the formation of clusters by affinities, the interaction in networks with the other intervening actors, such as suppliers, consumers and competitors and above all the dependence with the application of his emotional intelligence