Response of seagrass indicators to shifts in environmental stressors: A global review and management synthesis

  1. Roca, G.
  2. Alcoverro, T.
  3. Krause-Jensen, D.
  4. Balsby, T.J.S.
  5. Van Katwijk, M.M.
  6. Marbà, N.
  7. Santos, R.
  8. Arthur, R.
  9. Mascaró, O.
  10. Fernández-Torquemada, Y.
  11. Pérez, M.
  12. Duarte, C.M.
  13. Romero, J.
Ecological Indicators

ISSN: 1470-160X

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 63

Pages: 310-323

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.ECOLIND.2015.12.007 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Sustainable development goals