Los bosques protectores de Pinus halepensis en la provincia de Alicantecaracterísticas de un proceso de revegetación
ISSN: 1130-6203, 1988-6624
Year of publication: 1992
Issue: 14
Pages: 57-77
Type: Article
More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos
Afforestation with Pinus halepensis in Alicante province was analyzed, as the only method for vegetation cover restoration, during the period 1945-1985, on the basis of 120 stands studied and the files available in the Unidad Forestal of the province.The process is described in relation to its objectives and their implementation. The answers to the questions How, Where and When is the afforestation done? define the process. The information available and that needed to allow research as well as management of these ecosystems is defined. There was a clear lack of information due to the protective nature of most of these stands. Detailed descriptions on evolution in time of the process, bedrock of the areas, site preparation and density of plantation are given. The need for applying GIS techniques is emphasized to analyze and structure the information of what can be considered the largest ecological experiment -in area- that these ecosystems have suffered. The needs and limitations for managing this reality is discussed in order to obtain the maximum benefit of this afforestation process.
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