Cálculo de patrones de luz mediante la integral de Fresnel y su aplicación al estudio del ojo humano

  1. Espinosa, J. /Mas, D. /Hernández, C. /Pérez, J. /Vázquez, C. /Miret, J.J. /Doménech, B. /Rouarch, J. /Illueca, C.
  2. David Mas Candela
  3. Consuelo Hernández Poveda
  4. J. Pérez
  5. Carmen Vázquez Ferri
  6. Juan José Miret Mari
  7. Begoña Doménech Amigot
  8. J. Rouarch
  9. Carlos Illueca Contri
Óptica pura y aplicada

ISSN: 2171-8814

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: VIII Comité de Ciencias de la visión

Volume: 39

Issue: 3

Pages: 217-224

Type: Article

More publications in: Óptica pura y aplicada

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During last years, the Group of Optics and Vision Science from the University of Alicante has been devoted to the study of light propagation inside the eye using wave optics. To this end, we have developed a method for numerical calculation of Fresnel patterns through the Fast Fourier transform. The method has been adjusted to the particularities of the human eye optical system. Special attention has been paid to describe the refractive elements of the human eye. Optimal sampling and distance of propagation has been also adjusted in order to obtain a real-time algorithm. In this communication we present the method together with basic adjustments that has to be applied. We also present some applications and perspectives of future development