Inteligencia emocional y bienestar subjetivo en estudiantes universitarios con diferentes tipos y grados de discapacidad
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 0210-5934, 2340-6577
Año de publicación: 2018
Volumen: 70
Número: 1
Páginas: 125-140
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía
INTRODUCTION. The present study is aimed at analyzing the different profiles in a group of EI university students with different types and degrees of disability. It also identifes whether there is a relationship between the typology and the degree of disability in IE profiles. Finally, it analyzes the significant differences in the subjective well-being among the previously identified IE profi-les. METHOD. Both the Trait Meta-Mood Scale-24 (TMMS-24) and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scales were administered to 88 young students-ages ranging from 18 to 33 (M = 23.28; DS= 7.24) —with different types of disabilities that they had acquired throughout their lives (phy-sical, intellectual, visual and hearing). The total sample was composed of 39 women and 49 men. RESULTS. Results revealed significant statistical differences in resilience among the participants based on the type of disability. At the same time, Cluster analyses allowed the identification of three different EI profiles: a group of students with High scores on all three IE skills, a group with a predominance of high emotional Repair and Clarity and low emotional Attention, finally, a group of young people with low scores on all three IE skills. Likewise, the results revealed statis-tically significant differences in IE profiles according to the type and degree of disability. Finally, results also revealed significant statistical differences in most domains of well-Being among pro-files. The students in groups with high overall scores in Clarity and Repair Emotional obtained higher scores on the different profiles of well-Being. DISCUSSION. Results suggest the importan-ce of designing programs that develop the appropriate skills of Clarity and Emotional Repair, the skills that make up EI, since this pattern promotes a higher level of subjective well-being among university students with disabilities.
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